What Is SVOD? Subscription Video on Demand, Explained
by Frankie Karrer
7 Min Read
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2 Min Read
This year has seen a rise in the number of advertisers who have been moving their ad dollars to Connected TV—and it looks like that investment is not unfounded. In a new study from Comcast Advertising and MediaScience, unaided recall of ads viewed in a big screen TV environment were 2.2 times higher than the same ads served on digital mobile platforms. Purchase intent was also higher for ads on television screens, at around 1.3 times higher than mobile.
This new data lines up with research from a previous study conducted in December last year, in which participants reported that they are able to recall streaming TV ads 46% of the time (as compared to 33% for social media ads, 12% for ads in mobile games, and 9% for ads on websites). And for those streaming viewers who hang on to their mobile devices while watching Connected TV, 31% use that device to research or purchase products they see advertised and 33% say they bought a product after seeing it advertised on TV or a streaming service.
The B2B Social Marketer’s Guide to Connected TV
Search Engine Land
Connected TV is becoming a key performance channel—especially among B2B businesses looking to differentiate themselves from their competition. And the good news is, social marketers, the setup is going to look pretty familiar.
Audience Deep Dive: A Look at Older Adult CTV Usage
MNTN Research
Millennials may have recently become the largest living generation, but older adult customer segments shouldn’t be overlooked. They might not be up to date on the newest social media or pop culture trends, however, the senior generations are using CTV in force.
Streaming Will Decide The Midterms: Samba TV’s Navin
US political hopefuls have been using streaming, targeted TV capabilities for a few cycles now. But never have they been able to leverage the scale, precision and measurement capabilities on offer during the 2022 midterms.
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