Connected TV

MNTN + Quora Digest

Answers to the top Connected TV questions found on Quora

MNTN + Quora Digest

3 Min Read

With the rise of Connected TV advertising, marketers need to learn a lot about the fastest growing ad channel—and quickly. That’s why we’ve compiled the top questions and answers from Quora, where experts address complex questions, into a digest for a quick breakdown on what marketers need to know most. See what marketers are asking, and what the experts have to say.

Top Quora Q&As

Q. What has happened to traditional cable and TV? Why has it gotten so bad?

A. Traditional cable subscriptions have lost their edge in the market. According to eMarketer, between the years of 2016 and 2021, pay TV lost more than 50 million adult viewers (or 25.5 million households).

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Q. Do television advertisements use psychological tricks on us?

A. While it’s always good to think critically about the messaging you are seeing from brands, advertisers don’t actually play tricks on you. Their ultimate goal is to either make a sale or make you aware of their brand.

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Q. Who is most likely to win the Connected TV war?

A. Many companies have been looking to capitalize on the growing CTV audience. But who is winning the war? That depends on whether you are looking at CTV device makers or streaming platforms. Let’s take a look at the major players for both.

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Q. How can I advertise on TV effectively yet affordably?

A. Television has long been known to be one of the most effective ways advertising—and those benefits don’t come cheap. Luckily, the rise of Connected TV has changed the game for advertisers looking to get their ads on TV (without the crazy high price tag).

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Q. Is television advertising more affordable than internet advertising?

A. In the past, the answer to this question would have been a resounding “no.” TV advertising is one of the most effective ways of conveying a message to consumers, and those results come at a premium. But CTV is changing the game for advertisers.

Read more here.

With the rise of CTV / OTT advertising, marketers need to learn a lot about the fastest growing ad channel—and quickly. That’s why we’ve compiled the top questions and answers from Quora, where experts address complex questions, into a digest for a quick breakdown on what marketers need to know most. See what marketers are asking, and what the experts have to say.