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Premium CTV Inventory
Deliver commercials on top-tier streaming TV networks, every time.
Sign Up NowYour campaigns need to deliver the best possible results. That's why with MNTN, your ads only appear on blue-chip streaming TV networks, thanks to our 150+ direct deals with the likes of Peacock, ESPN, CBS, Bravo, FOX, and other premium providers. It's Living Room Quality inventory — living room optional.
With MNTN, you’ll only deliver non-skippable ads that people actually watch.
Sign Up NowWe were looking to see our brand on the TV screen and test out the CTV space. Performance TV was a natural addition to our performance channels.
Heather Marra
Senior Digital Analyst and SEO Manager, Northline Express
Research suggests inventory quality, ad length, and the presence or absence of skippable ads affects campaign performance.
higher conversion rate for video ads 15 seconds or longer
higher conversion rate for brand safe video ads
higher conversion rate for fraud-free video ads
*IAS Study, Does Media Quality Drive Attention and Outcomes?*
Brand Safety Drives Stronger Performance Outcomes on TV
That’s why MNTN only serves non-skippable, 15- and 30-second ads on over 100 of the most well-known and trusted TV networks.
Learn more about the impact that premium, brand safe inventory has on delivering better down-funnel outcomes in our MNTN Research analysis.
Review the Research