CTV Retargeting 101: Complete Guide for TV Advertisers
by Frankie Karrer
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Generational change is affecting television viewing, and Connected TV advertisers will benefit. According to eMarketer, the majority of baby boomers and Gen Xers prefer broadcast television, however 86% of millennials and Gen Zers watch their favorite programming on CTV. And not only are CTV viewers younger, they’re affluent and college educated.
Those are lucrative demographics for advertisers. And coupled with the fact that only 15% of advertisers consistently include Connected TV in their media plans, it means big opportunity. Any brand advertising on CTV now has an edge over their competition, and can reach valuable audiences that competitors may be leaving behind. And with CTV’s precise targeting capabilities, advertisers can feel confident they’ll effectively reach those valuable consumers.
OTT Advertising Will Be A Clear Winner In The 2020 Elections
TV Revolution
The ability to target television advertising to specific audiences is going to play a major role in the 2020 Presidential and Congressional elections.
Facebook Takes Another Crack At Smart Home Market With Portal TV
Facebook is officially releasing a connected TV streaming device called Portal TV that includes a built-in camera for video calls and co-watching.
YouTube Is Bringing Masthead Ads to Connected TV, Its Fastest Growing Medium
The Drum
Anish Kattukaran, YouTube Ads product lead for emerging experiences, said the company’s CTV app has been the “fastest growing surface across all of YouTube” for the last few years.
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