What Is SVOD? Subscription Video on Demand, Explained
by Frankie Karrer
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With the 2022 midterms fast approaching, many political advertisers are looking to expand the ways they reach prospective voters. One of the channels that has seen the largest rise in interest is Connected TV, which reached $750 million in political ad spend during 2020. This year, we can expect to see that figure almost double. A new report from AdImpact estimates that political ad spend on Connected TV will reach around $1.48 billion.
Part of the reason for this interest in CTV from political advertisers is the continued rise in viewers that are reachable through this channel—79% of American households that still subscribe to pay TV also carry a subscription streaming service. Political advertisers are also eager to take advantage of Connected TV’s ability to target users based on their interests and behaviors, along with their campaign geography (such as specific neighborhoods, congressional districts, and state borders). Ultimately, Connected TV’s combination of data-driven targeting and large audience size is making it a compelling channel for those advertisers looking to make an impact before November.
Connected TV Poised To Gain US Viewership and Advertiser Interest
Connected TV (CTV) is expected to pick up US viewership as consumers access free ad-supported and subscription streaming services, making the space fertile ground for advertisers.
Launch on CTV with the Ease of a New Social Channel
Change can be scary. But social marketers don’t need to fear the newest channel for B2B. Connected TV is an essential tool to differentiate your B2B business and with its digital roots, it’s an easy one to implement.
AVOD: The Rise of Ad-Funded Streaming
Netflix’s announcement in April that it has hit an apparent subscriber wall sent out shockwaves, prompting many to question how attractive and profitable the streaming model can be. But suggestions of a streaming crash are premature.
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