
MNTN CCO Ryan Reynolds Challenges Steve-O To Eat a Carolina Reaper Pepper in New Ad

MNTN CCO Ryan Reynolds Challenges Steve-O To Eat a Carolina Reaper Pepper in New Ad

1 Min Read

Ryan Reynolds, the Chief Creative officer of MNTN, which allows brands to get their ads on TV in three simple steps, recently tasked Steve-O with getting his own ad set up for his hot sauce, Steve-O’s Hot Sauce For Your Butthole.

To spice up the process, Reynolds challenged Steve-O to eat a Carolina Reaper pepper (one of the hottest chili peppers in the world with a score of over 1.5 million on the Scoville heat index) before embarking on his own journey of setting up a Connected TV ad.

Check out the article link below to see what The Today Show had to say, and watch the video above to see how Steve-O managed in the hot seat. 

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