Connected TV

58% of Streamers Say They “Don’t Mind Ads or Commercials While Watching TV.”

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58% of Streamers Say They “Don’t Mind Ads or Commercials While Watching TV.”

2 Min Read

The number of platforms and streaming services available to consumers increased rapidly over the last year, and those consumers are now seeking to find ways to save money while still having access to their favorite shows. A recent survey on streaming preferences from Future Today and Variety Intelligence Platform found that more than half of consumers (50.6%) say that they prefer to use ad-supported services to reduce or eliminate their subscription fees, and 81% would rather use free ad-supported streaming than subscribe to another paid service.

So it may not come as a surprise that streamers who wish to watch free TV content have a higher tolerance for ads. TiVo’s new Video Trends Report Q2 2021 even found that, of those who watch ad-supported video-on-demand, 58% say they “don’t mind ads or commercials while watching TV.” This may also be in part because ads on streaming TV are also twice as likely to be considered relevant to viewer’s interests (and more than four times as likely for viewers ages 18-29). Ultimately, as viewers continue to seek out more free, ad-supported streaming content, advertisers who are looking to make a big impact with their campaigns should be looking to reach consumers on Connected TV.

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