Connected TV

CTV Households Are 75% More Likely to Co-View Than Linear Households

CTV Households Are 75% More Likely to Co-View Than Linear Households

2 Min Read

A recent report from LG Ad Solutions and TVision suggests a whopping 88% of Connected TV (CTV) users are jumping on the co-viewing bandwagon, enjoying their favorite shows and movies with friends and family. Turns out, households tuning in to CTV content are 75% more likely to indulge in this shared experience than traditional, Linear TV viewers. And that’s not all — during these group viewings, 67% of viewers are locking their eyes on the screen, giving streaming content their undivided attention.

Even with the group watch, ads still get their moment in the spotlight. The report found that 54% of viewers stick around and engage just as much during commercial breaks while co-viewing on CTV. And those ads that get top billing as a viewer’s first encounter with a CTV ad garner the most attention, with viewer attention gradually tapering off with repeated exposures. Ultimately, it looks like (for both advertisers and consumers) Connected TV is best when watched together.

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