CTV Retargeting 101: Complete Guide for TV Advertisers
by Frankie Karrer
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Despite some early concerns about the economy, this year’s CTV game is still going strong. According to new research from Beachfront Marketplace, in the first quarter of 2023 we’ve seen a 4% uptick in advertisers jumping into the CTV pool compared to the same time last year. By category, after the political ad frenzy of the 2022 midterms cooled down, there was (unsurprisingly) a dip in spending for law and politics on CTV. But businesses, travel, and family goods in particular have seen some serious gains, with food, health, and style also getting a nice boost.
And when it comes to CTV platforms, the big champion is Roku — maintaining their dominance with almost 40% of CTV ad impressions in Q1 2023. Meanwhile, cable is losing its grip on the world of TV ad impressions. Set-top boxes (STBs) dropped from a 19.03% share of impressions in Q2 2022 to a measly 12.9% in Q1 2023 — allowing both Fire TV and Samsung TV to surpass them. Other TV brands like LG, Vizio, and Apple TV also increased their shares. Ultimately, there’s plenty of room for everyone in the world of Connected TV advertising, as the growing channel allows for easier access for smaller businesses and an expanding range of content genres.
How the Charter-Disney Negotiations Will Change Cable and Streaming
Earlier this month, two high-profile companies — Disney and Charter Communications — reached a negotiation impasse, with Disney removing 19 channels including ESPN and ABC owned and operated stations.
This Year, Cannes Lions Was All About Branded Assets
MNTN Research
This summer’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity once again sent marketers home with new themes, topics, and insights to unpack. One key highlight this year was the value of distinctive branded assets.
Top Maturing Platforms For Streaming, CTV Losing Share To Smaller Ones
Top maturing platforms for streaming and Connected TV have seen a general contraction in the business — with growth coming from smaller platforms collectively gaining share, says Comscore.
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