
Here’s What B2B Marketers Need To Know About CTV Creative

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What This Session Is About

As a B2B marketer, you may think that Connected TV advertising is outside the realm of possibility for your business. While developing TV creative can take a lot of resources, you only have a small team. Video assets can quickly run up the tab and you’re already stretching a small budget. However, there are solutions that can help you hack the system so that you can take advantage of all that CTV advertising has to offer without breaking the bank or being stuck with the same boring video assets.

Join Jeremy Bunya, Product Marketing Manager at QuickFrame by MNTN to learn about how to take your B2B advertising from dull to dynamite. He’ll walk through how to manage an influx of video assets, even if you don’t have a creative agency on retainer or the manpower internally. Plus he’ll share how to make the most of your new video assets, ensure they reach the right audience, and how to track performance throughout. 

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Here’s What B2B Marketers Need To Know About CTV Creative

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