Connected TV

Who’s Your Audience? Fall 2022 Edition

We share some of the weird, wonderful and unexpected audience segments to tap into for your future campaigns.

Who’s Your Audience? Fall 2022 Edition

2 Min Read

Ah, fall—otherwise known as the smooth and leafy transition into the holiday season. The fact that it overlaps with the holidays is plenty more reasons for advertisers not to turn a blind eye. Think fall conscious consumers who are looking to update their wardrobes, early-bird shoppers swooping in for holiday deals, and more. If you need more reason to switch on those fall campaigns, take a look at these stats for size: global ecommerce sales will hit $5.5 trillion this year, more than three-quarters (76%) of American adults shop online and 85% of consumers go online at least once a day. Let’s take a look at some of the audience segments you can apply to your CTV advertising campaigns this season.

Audience Name: Influencer Marketing

Why they’re valuable: There’s no doubt about it, influencers are doing exactly what they’re meant to be doing—influencing, with 92% of consumers trusting influencer marketing over traditional methods.

Audience Name: Fall Fashionistas

Why they’re valuable: McKinsey & Company revealed that the fashion industry returned to pre-pandemic levels at the start of 2022—a much quicker recovery than expected.

Audience Name: Multi Channel Marketing

Why they’ve valuable: Three out of four US consumers are shopping both online and in-stores. Reach shoppers who are likely to be on the lookout across multiple channels.

Audience Name: Authenticity

Why they’re valuable: Dollar values matter, but so do values that guide our purchasing decisions (like social responsibility and authenticity)—over half of Millennial and Gen Z are looking to purchase from brands who exhibit these values.

Audience Name: Use Ad-Supported Social Media Sites

Why they’re valuable: Social commerce is big (and so too is  second-screen viewing). Get in front of millennials, Gen Z and Gen Xers who prefer to discover new products on social media through ads or sponsored content.

Audience Name: Openness to Change

Why they’re valuable: Consumers are now more purpose-driven than ever, and looking for brands that align with their values. They’re willing to change their shopping habits (and switch brand loyalties) to those who match their values.